Greetings from the Land of Aloha Lisa!
Just saw your blog and learned of Mama Loa's passing from
your writings. I didn't know very much about Mama, though I met her and took
this photo of her and one of her daughters at the traveling Vietnam Wall
Memorial at the State Capital many years ago. I was also privileged to visit
her home and family in Laie, but I really didn't know much of her professional
side, but I sure could feel her mana! Love exuded with radiant joy from her.
This first photo also show Dr. Rex Wiegel on crutches,
whom I also met that same day. Before I met either of them
"officially", I took these two photos. The second one shows Mama Loa
offering Rex a flower lei ~ and in the background there is a little boy
running! Dr. Rex lost his leg nineteen days before leaving Vietnam. Rex and I
visited Mama Loa's house together, must've been in the late 80's / early 90's.
Don't remember exactly when. When I took this first picture, I was so surprised
to learn that she was a mother of 7! (I just read her obituary and it said 10
children ~ guess I was just short by 3) And her daughter was so lovely as well!
At any rate, looks like Mama Loa brought us together
tonight so I just wanted to share these beauty full images of her and her
Infinite Presence. I just returned to the islands in January of '09 after a
nearly 10 year absence. Originally moved here in January of '84.
I felt so blessed to know her, even as briefly yet
totally merged in spirit. I would love to know more of her and look forward to
hearing from you someday in the future. I have a very busy schedule through
next Wednesday the 15th, but after that would love to speak on the phone or
e-mail anytime before is fine. Please let me know you got these pics and let's
be in touch. Do you know her family? Would love to get these pics to them.
With the Spirit and Mana of Mama Loa,
With warm Aloha,
Gail Gail Ellingsong